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Welcome To Our All New Web Store!

Tuning Up

Every musician knows that tuning up is critical to performance. The same is for other aspects of life: athletes fine-tune their training for an upcoming event; NASCAR drivers tune up every aspect of their vehicle before a big race; and web-sites also need a tune up to best serve their customers. This new web-store is our latest tune-up, and we have tried to made a number of improvements.

A mentor of mine had an improvement-driven philosophy, "Improve by 1% each day, and after a while you will be much more effective at everything you do." One way he would accomplish improvements was to get people together and ask, "What if we started over today, how would we do it knowing what we know now?" A question like is what led to this new web-store.

Our new web-store is more flexible for us, so that we can adapt and update more quickly. More importantly, our new web-store is, we hope, easier for you, with mobile-friendly features, more consistent page layout, and much better inventory management. A few other improvements are:

  • Browse by vendor (that is, by manufacturer)
  • Browse by type of product
  • Browse our entire catalog if you want!
  • Sort products by Best Selling, Alphabetical (by Title), and more
  • Search for any product
  • Easily connect to our Facebook or Twitter accounts
  • Easier checkout and more payment options
  • More!

This new layout also allows us to build in this blog, where we hope to post comments, reviews, announcements, and other information which we hope is useful to you. Plus, you can join in the conversation by posting your feedback, suggestions, and recommendations as a comment right below this text.

Thanks for browsing. We hope you will be back.


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